Green Button Explorer

We have two exciting announcements today. First, the Green Button Explorer is now live, an interactive map of data availability from utilities across North America. If you have ever asked “Which utilities offer Green Button Connect, and what do they actually provide?” then this tool is for you!

Features include:

  • ISO/RTO requirements: What customer data does each wholesale market require for demand-side resources to be compensated? With over six months of research into eight RTOs and 30 products, we documented all of the pesky data requirements. Examples include line losses (PJM), copies of utility bills (ISO-NE), meter number (MISO), service voltage (NYISO) and transmission zone (IESO). Click on the top left (“filter”) and select the ISO/RTO.

  • Green Button Scorecard: The Scorecard is a 1-to-5 score of overall Green Button implementation quality. Most utilities do not provide enough data for wholesale market participation, according to our research, resulting in low “Data Completeness” scores. Tip: Look at the IESO in Ontario, Canada for the most completed Scorecards as of now. U.S. utilities will be added in the coming weeks.

‘Volts’ podcast appearance

Listen here to our wide-ranging discussion about smart meter data that’s been bottled up by utilities, making it inaccessible to energy management services. We discuss state policy, DOE’s recent failures, and why data portability is absolutely essential to a clean energy future.
