Today's Smart Grid Today features an article titled "No one argues against data sharing in REV effort" (paywall). Some great quotes from participants, including our own Cameron Brooks, are captured in the article and in the official transcript of the December 16th, 2015 technical workshop held in Albany. The workshop's agenda included presentations from Mission:data, U.S. Department of Energy, NYSERDA and several utilities.

"This basic level of service [Green Button Connect], which is exactly what consumers are getting in every other sector of the economy, should be delivered as part of basic utility service with any implementation investments included in base rates accordingly."  -- Cameron Brooks

"Energy and information are inseparable commodities, and to serve energy without information is increasingly unacceptable." -- Chris Irwin, U.S. DOE

"New York consumers spend $23 billion on energy. Every improvement of 1% represents $100 million of customer benefit." -- Cameron Brooks

A follow-up technical conference will be held in Albany January 20th, 2016 to discuss the DOE Voluntary Code of Conduct, something we covered before.
