April and May brought good news about Illinois's largest investor-owned utilities, Ameren and ComEd. They have both committed on the record to implement Green Button Connect (GBC)!

Earlier, in Ameren's March 19th, 2015 filing with the Illinois Commerce Commission, Ameren said they would offer Green Button "Download My Data," but said that "Ameren Illinois does not at this time plan to deploy or make available" GBC. Ameren said that "privacy implications" should be considered before such a decision would be made.

But Ameren subsequently did an about-face. With Mission:data's three separate comments on this docket, as well as that of partners Environmental Defense and Citizens' Utility Board, Ameren filed on April 20th, 2015 that its position with regard to GBC had "evolved."  "[Ameren] now plans to utilize Green Button as the preferred mechanism for customers to download and/or share their AMI data with non-retailer energy supplier third parties" (p. 4).

ComEd stated March 9th, 2015 that it intended to implement GBC, but there was no timeline given. ComEd subsequently announced on May 18th that Schneider Electric was chosen to implement GBC.

Great news from the Land of Lincoln.