PG&E's "Share My Data" team emailed third parties this morning. PG&E is requesting email responses to gauge interest in a pre-registration system for Green Button Connect. Please email PG&E at!
Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is excited to announce the Share My Data platform (formerly known as Customer Data Access), the next generation of Green Button Connect. Share My Data will provide a new, more seamless way for PG&E customers to authorize sharing their energy usage data with you.
PG&E is considering pre-registering Third Parties on a first come first serve basis in preparation for the launch. Along with PG&E’s development timelines and testing of the platform, your responses to the questions below will help PG&E determine whether early registration is a possibility. By registering early, Third Parties will have the opportunity to utilize the Share My Data platform and ensure that they are set up prior to the Full Launch beginning First Quarter 2015.
Please note that customer authorizations and sharing of data will not begin earlier than PG&E’s planned full deployment beginning First Quarter 2015.
Registration will be a 3-step process:
Step 1- Registration Request. Go online (link to be provided), complete and submit the online registration form
Step 2- Eligibility Review. PG&E will process the registration request. You will need to meet the following eligibility requirements to register:
- Valid Tax ID (this will be unique identifier for you or your organization)
- Provide Valid Contact Information
- Be in good standing with the California Public Utility Commission (CPUC)
- Technical Capabilities (oAuth2.0 and API capabilities)
- Provide transparency to customers on how you will use Customer Data
- Agreement to the Tariff and Terms and Conditions
Once your eligibility has been verified, A PG&E team member will request your SSL certificate. Upon successfully storing that certificate, your registration will be approved.
Step 3- Connectivity Testing. Upon registration approval, you will be able to access PG&E’s SSL certificate, your registration access token and client credentials by logging into the Share My Data Third Party Portal. You will also receive an email with a link to connectivity test directions. Upon successful completion of Connectivity Testing, your organization will officially be approved as an organization with whom customers can share their data using the Share My Data platform. Note that customer authorizations and the exchange of customer data will not start until Q1 2015.
To register early, all three processes need to be completed in 10 business days.
Next Steps:
If you would like to be among the first to register for Share My Data, please complete the questions below by replying to this email.
1. What is the name of your company?
2. Please describe your company’s business purpose, target market segment (residential/commercial/industrial/agricultural), and use for the Share My Data platform.
3. What browser is most commonly utilized at your organization (i.e. Chrome, Safari, Firefox, etc.)?
4. Is your company interested in being one of the first Third Parties to register for Share My Data? Will your company have the technical capability by early December 2014 to complete all required steps of registration, including connectivity testing, within 10 business days? If not, what is the timeframe, if any, that your organization will have the technical capability to complete all required steps of registration?
5. What, if any marketing plans does your company have targeted for customers?
PG&E has not yet confirmed whether an early registration launch will be possible for any or all Third Parties and is simply gauging interest and technical capability. Based on the order in which PG&E receives your email response, the Share My Data team will determine your position in the pre-registration line and may contact you with information on next steps.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Kind Regards,
Amanda O’Brien
PG&E Share My Data Team
Training and Change Management Lead